Regular checks
Regular checks
Even if the heat pump requires very little maintenance, some regular system checks are recommenced. In gen-
eral for most heating systems, it is recommended to adjust the heating on the heat pump controller and avoid
closing thermostats in the heating system, as far as possible and suitable. In many cases adjusting the heat in
the heat pump controller instead of closing thermostats will reduce the need of maintenance and extend the
lifespan of the heat pump. As a correctly adjusted heat pump will run more efficient, it will often also consume
less energy.
Check the water pressure in the heating circuit
The system pressure of the installation should at regular basis be checked. Ensure that the heating system has
the necessary pressure, according to the installers advice (often approximately 1 bar), but never more than 3
You can often use normal tap water when topping up the heating system. In certain exceptional cases the wa-
ter quality may be unsuitable for filling the heating system (corrosive or calciferous water).
In case of doubt how to fill, contact your installer.
Do not use any additives for treatment of the water in the heating system, unless you have a written consent
from Thermia!
Check level of brine
If the level of brine is lower than 1/3 filling is recommended. Contact your installer if you are in doubt how till
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Thermia Legend
Thermia AB