OwNER’s mANuAl
Meaning of Display Codes
Service Analyzer Codes
most problems will be detected by the service analyzer and a code will be
displayed on the digital display of your heater.
Display Meaning of codes
The desired programmed temperature point is lower than 60°F (15°C).
LP & LP3
shortage of refrigerant gas in the unit or faulty low pressure
control. The digital display will show lP3 after 3 lP faults and shut
down your pool heater. The pool pump will also be stopped for pro-
tection if the unit’s internal time clock feature is used. If lP or lP3
occurs you should call for service.
HP & HP3
low water flow TO the unit or faulty high pressure control. Check
water flow. Backwash filter and/or heater. The unit will show HP3
after 3 HP faults. This will stop your heater for protection.
water temperature probe connected to #1 and #2 on electronic board
may be disconnected. If it is not, the probe may be open or defective.
water temperature probe is short circuited or may be defective.
FLo & FL3
Possible causes:
- The FIl parameter must always be set to OFF.
- The filter is in backwash position.
- The filter pump is stopped.
- The filter is dirty.
- shortage of water to pool pump.
- water pressure switch must be adjusted or it is broken.
- The unit is in the protection mode and will show Fl3, press
any key to restart the unit. Fl3 code will stop your heater for
suction temperature probe connected to #3 and #4 on electronic
board may be disconnected. If it is not, the probe may be open or
suction temperature probe is short circuited or may be defective.
unit currently in defrosting cycle (the fan works but the compressor
is stopped). This is normal operation when outside temperatures
are cold.