Temperature Measurement Functions
Titan 1280 supports full frame, area, line, and spot temperature measurement.
The temperature can be read at any pixel through PC software. Spot, line, and
area temperature measurement tools can be enabled or disabled independently
except for the temperature measurement tools of the highest, lowest, average,
and center spot. The OSD can be enabled or disabled.
8-1 Measurement Tools
Through the serial communication interface spot, line, area, and full frame
temperature measurement tools can be enabled or disabled.
In the spot temperature measurement mode the core supports displaying the
temperature value. Users can move the temperature measurement spots.
In the line temperature measurement mode, the core can calculate and display
the maximum temperature value, minimum temperature value, and average
temperature value. The position of two ends of line segment can be moved.
In the full frame and area temperature measurement modes the maximum
temperature, minimum temperature, center temperature, and average
temperature can be displayed. Analysis can be enabled or disabled. The area
size and position can be adjusted through PC software. Up to 12 areas or lines
are supported in the area temperature measurement mode.
Users can also configure temperature correction data through the serial
communication interface.
Measurement Tool
Spot analysis
10 fixed spots; Maximum/
minimum temperature spots
capture; 1 center spot (only
displayed on screen)
Moving spot position through
serial command and displaying
temperature value on screen.
Line analysis
12 Line/Rectangle analysis tools
totally (only display on screen)
Adjusting the position of top left
corner and bottom right corner
and area size through serial
Area analysis
Adjusting the position of top left
corner and bottom right corner
and area size through serial
Isotherm analysis
1 isotherm analysis tools (only
display on screen)
Adjusting isotherm upper and
lower limit to set the isotherm
area through serial command.