5. The solar engine (24) with engine shaft (19) and small sprocket
wheel (9) sits at the lower end of a long frame (2).
7. Now, attach two long frames (2) to the anchor pins. Attach a short
frame (3) to the bottom of each of them, and connect the short frames
at the rear with a short rod (4).
9. In the long frames, insert two long axle shafts (16) with two small
gear wheels (8), a medium (10) and a large sprocket wheel (11), and a
large gear wheel (6).
6. Now mount the frame with the engine on the base plate. Four
anchor pins (26) go into the two long frames sticking up vertically.
8. For looks, attach two medium sprocket wheels (10) with two short
axle shafts (18) along with a long axle shaft (16) with four tires (15) and
a small gear wheel (8).
10. Adjust the wheels so the large gear wheel meshes with the
small one. The two sprocket wheels shouldn’t sit too close to other
components. Check to see if the wheels turn well.