Left Inboard Wing Panel
1, 5
Left Mid Wing Panel
Left Outboard Wing Panel
3, 4
Left Wing Strut Panel
6, 7
Right Inboard Wing Panel
1, 5
Right Outboard Wing Panel
3, 4
Right Wing Strut Panel
6, 7
Right Mid Wing Panel
NOTE: If the TKS system has been operated or the panels have been moistened in the last 30
days, the purge of the panels that follows (Step 11B thru Step 11B(132)) is not required
for Airplane Serials 208B5004, 208B5005, 208B5008, 208B5009, 208B5011, 208B5016,
208B5017, 208B5019. Airplane Serials 208B5000, 208B5002, and 208B5003 must do
the purge of the panels.
(Refer to Figure 3.) Purge the panels as follows:
NOTE: It is not necessary to use electrical power for the purge of the panels.
If installed, remove the P840218 Tape from the surface of the porous panels.
Look for examples of fluid flow through the porous panels that is sufficient and of fluid flow that
is not sufficient. You must know how to tell if fluid flow through the porous panels is sufficient
before you accomplish this panel purge operation. If you need help to know how to tell if a
panel is purged correctly, contact Cessna Customer Service at 316-517-5800.
During this test the TKS system operation pressure will be as
high as 75 psig.
Attach the fluid collector system (plastic guttering) below the area of the panels.
Fill the TKS system test cart reservoir with approximately 5.50 gallons (20.82 liters) of TKS
fluid and attach the cart to an air source. Do not fill the reservoir until it is full.
NOTE: You will fill the reservoir more than once as you do this procedure.
Follow the operation and safety instructions that are supplied with the test cart, found in the
"Panels Installed on Aircraft TKS Panel Test section of the TKS Ice Protection Panel Flow
Check Procedure Using TKS System Test Cart" publication.
Disconnect the two left inboard wing porous panel supply lines from ports 1 and 5 of the
wing proportioning unit.
NOTE: The inboard and outboard wing panels have two supply tubes. It is necessary to
disconnect the second tube and put a cap or plug in the tube end to keep sufficient
pressure in the panel.
Connect the test cart supply tube to the left inboard wing porous panel as near to the panel as
you can.
Apply pressure of 10 psi, do a check for leaks in the line, and repair all leaks.
Apply pressure of 20 psi to slowly start the fluid flow through the panel.
(10) Wait until the fluid starts to come out all the holes at the same rate along the full length of the
panel and increase the pressure to 65 psi.
May 17, 2013
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