Write GS = FFFFh for all channels
into one of the memory BANKs
Input VSYNC command
Apply LED power supply
to Line 0
Input GCLK for one whole segment
Input READLOD command
Input 16 × N
All lines finished?
Apply LED power supply
to next line
Function-Control Description
SLVUBF4A – February 2018 – Revised June 2019
Copyright © 2018–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Function Control
TI Information — Selective Disclosure
LOD Detection Process
shows the flow of the LED-open detection process.
(1) N is the number of cascaded TLC694x devices
Figure 2-17. LED-Open Detection Process
Caterpillar Removal
The caterpillar issue is a common phenomenon caused by broken LEDs (LED open) in multiplexing LED
display applications. The cause of this LED-open caterpillar issue is that the electric charge on the
parasitic capacitance of an unselected line turns on the associated LED when OUTn is pulled down to
GND, due to the open LED on the selected line. This condition turns on the LEDs of all the unselected
lines unexpectedly while the line with the open LED is selected.
shows the mechanism of LED
open caterpillar phenomenon.