Columa 700 R
The subwoofer is buzzing
These buzzing noises may be produced by con-
nected devices or faults in the power network.
Excessive buzzing is usually caused by one of the
The subwoofer is connected to a different pow-
er circuit from the rest of the equipment. En-
sure that all linked appliances (including the PC
if connected) are connected to a single power
circuit or plug.
The aerial connected to the equipment or
TV has a different ground potential than the
socket. To test this, simply remove all aerial ca-
bles from the wall socket. If the interference
stops, you need a sheath current filter that is
available from electronics retailers (sometimes
in the car hi-fi department!). It is inserted be-
tween the aerial socket and the subwoofer.
A separately purchased mains filter, to which all
appliances must be connected, may be useful
in eliminating the buzzing. Please ensure you
have the right to return the filter if it fails to
yield positive results.
A multiple socket strip sometimes proves to
be responsible for creating buzzing noises. To
test this, disconnect the plug strip and plug
the subwoofer’s mains plug directly into a wall
You can also try turning the mains plug around
and inserting it into the socket the other way
up, inasmuch as your mains plug/socket allows
In order to better localise the cause of the
buzzing, check whether the subwoofer oper-
ates without buzzing on a power circuit in an-
other room (e.g. using an extension lead). In ad-
dition, try disconnecting the cable connection
from the subwoofer to the connected devices
in order to exclude the influence of connected
There is no sound – neither from the satel-
lites nor from the subwoofer
Please ensure that the power cable is firmly in-
serted into the socket. If this is the case, please
check whether the blue “Standby” LED on the
Teufel subwoofer lights up after activating the
appliance by pressing the “Power” tip switch on
the rear; if this is not the case please contact our
service department.
I cannot hear any sound from the individual
speaker channels, although other speaker
channels are working"
Please check whether all speaker cables – both
on the subwoofer rear and on the rear of the
satellite speakers – are firmly inserted into the
relevant sockets and that none of the individual,
uninsulated wires are in contact with each other.
Please also observe the corresponding channel
setting menus in the reproducing signal source
device (e.g. = DVD player).
The rear satellites and/or centre will not play
with stereo sources such as music CDs (e.g. via
PC or DVD player)
Switch the “Listen Mode” on the remote control
to Dolby Prologic Music Modus = PL II. Please also
observe the corresponding channel setting men-
us in the reproducing signal source device (e.g. =
DVD player).
The subwoofer is picking up additional radio/
interference signals
In rare cases it may be possible to receive radio/
interference frequencies; this depends on the lo-
cal environment. Please remove all cinch cables
from the subwoofer and check whether the in-
terference still occurs. We recommend trying out
shorter, higher quality, shielded cinch connection