Chapter 7 – Maintenance
Page 7-10
TestEquity 1016H-2 Temperature/Humidity Chamber
Theory of Operation
Refer to the electrical and refrigeration drawings to identify the referenced items described
below. The electrical items are referenced with a letter(s) and number. The refrigeration items
are referenced with a number only or number followed by a single letter.
Air Heating and Safety Systems
The chamber is heated by an open-element nichrome heater (HT1). The heater is located in the
air plenum. The temperature controller provides a time-proportioned output to the solid state
relays (SSR1, 2). This turns the heater on/off as required to maintain the temperature set point.
Pilot light PL1 provides an indication on the front panel when the heater is on. Fusible heat
limiters (HL) provide failsafe protection against a catastrophic failure by opening the heater
circuit at +240°C. The master heat contactor C1 provides a power interlock for the heaters,
circulator fan motor, and the control system. C1 is controlled by both the Conditioning Switch,
the safety relay (CR1). CR1 is controlled by the temperature limit controller (TCR2). If either the
high or low temperature safety limits are exceeded, TCR2 turns off CR1, which disables all
temperature conditioning functions.
Humidity System
Water is heated by an immersion-type heater (HT2) to generate vapor. The heater is located in
the humidifier tank. The F4T/F4 Controller provides a time-proportioned output to a solid state
relay (SSR2). This turns the heater on/off as required to maintain the humidity set point. Pilot
light PL4 provides an indication on the front panel when the humidifier heater is on.
Water level in the humidifier is maintained by a float valve assembly which is external to the
humidifier tank.
The immersion heater has an embedded thermocouple which is connected the F4T/F4 Controller
to control an alarm output. This provides failsafe protection against a heater failure in the event
of a low water condition by opening the humidifier heater contactor C4 if the heater reaches
+125°C. The alarm will self-reset when the heater r100°C.