1.4 Getting started
Connect the included power adapter to the 12V AC socket on the rear panel of the
SINE WARP 9. Switch the device on. The programs have been preconfigured with the
following values:
MIDI channel: 1
Filter Mode: Low-pass
Trigger Source: AT (analog trigger)
ENV Trigger Mode: N1 (trigger envelope at beginning of trigger)
VCA Mode: On (VCA permanently on)
LFO Wave: Triangle
LFO Reset: Norm (no reset)
LFO Depth: 0
MIDI Modulation: Velocity, key follow, modulation wheel: OFF
Connect an audio signal source to the FILTER INPUT socket and connect the output
of the SINE WARP 9 (FILTER OUTPUT socket) to an amplifier or mixer.
Operation without MIDI:
Set the resonance and cutoff filter parameters and the filter modes (select with the
mode button) according to your wishes. By default the envelope is triggered by the
filter input signal. Set the trigger level to ensure that triggering occurs (the Trigger
LED lights up).
The cutoff frequency is modulated by the envelope. Set the intensity of this modula-
tion with the ENV MOD control. The envelope characteristic can be set using the en-
velope parameters Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release and Delay (Select on 2). In addi-
tion, the cutoff frequency can be modulated using the LFO. Change the LFO Rate and
LFO Depth parameters (Select on 3) for this purpose and select the waveforms using
the LFO Wave control (Select on 1).
Set the VCA mode (Select on 1). In the Gate position, the VCA is active at constant
volume when the trigger is active, in the ENV position the VCA is modulated by the
Operation with MIDI:
Select Single mode as the trigger source (Select on 1). Next, trigger the envelope by
sending Note On/Off messages to MIDI In (channel 1). The Trigger LED must flash on
the Note On message.
The cutoff frequency can be modulated additionally with Velocity, Key Follow or the
modulation wheel (Channel 1, Select on 3). Modulation is disabled in the middle posi-
tion (when the Select LED flashes).
SINE WARP 9 (English)