6.0. Malfunctions and help
Below is a list of the most common malfunctions using a wood-burning stove.
6.1. The stove is difficult to control
It burns too fast
Close the start-up air (left knob) possibly turn down the secondary air (right knob)
Read and follow the user and installation guide.
If the stove is more than 1 year or has been used heavily then the jointings need to be
checked and possibly changed. The jointings get worn and the heat which will make them
loose their ability to keep the door sealed.
If there is a heavy draft in the chimney it may be necessary to fit a damper in the chimney to
control the draft. Possibly contact your dealer.
6.2. The stove burns badly/the chimney draft is poor
The stove has poor draft after installation.
Read and follow the user and installation guide
Is there sufficient embers (to light the newly put wood)
Was minimum 2 pieces of wood placed in the stove?
Is the wood dry (maximum 20% moisture)?
Is the damper fully open?
Does the room where the stove is placed have sufficient airflow?
It is especially the conditions surrounding the chimney that may cause problems. Is the
chimneys diameter and length correct in relation to the stove?
Is there possibly anything interfering at the chimney top (trees or alike) which prevents it
from functioning optimally.
Is the chimney blocked?
Are the smoke pipe and junctions sealed?
Is the cleaning hatch sealed?
If the problem persist please contact your dealer or chimney sweep.
6.3. Smoke and soot smell
Smoke and soot smell
Down draught in the chimney. This often happens in specific wind directions.
The chimney needs to be elongated or a smoke extractor must be mounted. Contact your
The chimney may be too short in relation to the roof and / or nearby trees/buildings.
Check if the smoke is not able to come in via any skylights or windows.
Close the door while there are flames.
6.4. The glass soots up when lighting the fire
The glass soots up when lighting the fire
This is most likely due to moist wood or too low temperatures.
The wood is too moist.
There is not enough draught in the chimney.
Check that the damper is not closed.
The stove door is closed to early (section 3.7.3).
7.0. Maintenance
7.1. Cleaning and maintenance
The wood-burning stove and smoke pipe should be maintained and cleaned once a year.