Chapter 4
Project Examples
This chapter introduces examples of the CapSense Matrix Button Keypad board by using the
capacitive touch buttons with Cypress’s CapSense/SmartSense technology.
4 .1
4 .1
Syst e m
Re quire m e nt s
Syst e m Re quire m e nt s
Make sure PSoC Programmer is installed on your PC and PSoC MiniProg (sold separately) is used.
PSoC Programmer Setup
Multiple versions of PSoC Programmer cannot be installed on the same computer. Un-install any
previous version.
Installing from PSoC Programmer CD-ROM:
Place the System CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive
At the setup screen, select Install PSoC Programmer.
Proceed as directed.
4 .2
4 .2
The first example project demonstrates the ability of the PSoC device to integrate CapSense, LED
driving capabilities. The CapSense buttons are configured so that when a button is touched its
corresponding LED lights up. In addition, a buzzer sound will activate whenever a button is