Chapter 3
Using the CapSense Matrix Button
This section describes the detailed information of the components and connectors of the CapSense
Matrix Button Keypad board.
3 .1
3 .1
U se r
I nput /Out put
U se r I nput /Out put
The user input/output provide a versatile and reliable drop-in replacement for mechanical matrix
solutions using an output truth table described later. For demonstration purposes, these pins are
connected to LEDs.
The CapSense Matrix Solution board consists of 16 red LEDs above the 4 x 4 Matrix CapSense
touch buttons for user feedback. The 16 red LEDs are organized in a 4 x 4 matrix. Multiplexing is
used to reduce the number of pins needed to drive an LED. The 16 red LED is split into 4 rows and
4 columns which allow you drive it using 4 row outputs and 4 column outputs.
shows its