Before sw itchin g on the radio be careful to read attentively these o p e ra
ti ng instructions.
Keep the radio aw a y from sun ray s and rairi to avoid its dam age .
From time to time w atc h condition of the batteries to avoid d a m a g e of
the radio.
The radio is provided with a light tu n i n g indicator which is m e a n t for tw o
functions: for tu n i n g to the m axim um radio station signal an d for checking the
battery discharg e condition.
When the radio is tuned in sharply to the station, the light of the tu n i n g
ind icato r LED s (some or all of them) goes out or lessens to a visible minimum.
When no radio statio n sig n al is received, all four LED s m u s t be lighted. If
two left LEDs are not lighted, the ba tteries should be replaced, though the radio
m a y pick up radio station signals.
It is not advis able to carr y the radio when the telescopic aerial is extended.
Be sure to connect only a special 9 V DC power source to the exte rnal power
source socket of the radio.
Pre d zapnutim prijimace se pozorn ë seznam te s tirnio nâvodem k obsluze.
Pro ti poskozeni prijimaë kryj te pred destëm a dopadem primÿch sluneënfch
Kontrolujte stav napâjecich clânkù, abyste vyloucili poskozeni prijimace.
V pfijimaci je pouzit svëteln ÿ indikâto r vyladën i, kte rv plnf d vë funkce: kon-
trolu vy lad ën i na m axim âlni signal vysflaëe a kontrolu vybiif napâje cich ciânkû.
Pri presném vyla dënf vysilace j a s svëtelnych diod (jednotlivÿch nebo vsech)
l'ndikâtoru vy ladën f zmfzf nebo poklesne n a zfetelné minimum.
Bez si g n â lu vysilace m usi svitit vsechny svëteln é diodv. Jestlize dvë levé
nesvfti, je treba vym ën it napâjeci ëldnky, ackoliv prijimac j e l t é plni svou funkci
Nedoporu cu je se prenâs et prijimaë s v ysunutou teleskopickou antenou.
ke zd irkâm vnëjs ih o napâjeciho zd ro je je m ozné pripojit pouze
speciâlni zdroj se sfejn osm ërnÿm n a p ë tim 9 V.
1. Radio receiver
2. Pow er source (six «373» batteries)
3. O p eratin g instruct io ns
4. P a c k in g box
1 pce
1 set
1 copy
1 set
1. Prijim ac
2. N apâje ci zdroj (6 ëlânkü «373»)
3. Nâvod k obsluze
4. Obal (krabice)
— 1 ks
— ks
— 1 ks
— 1 s a d a