Tendercare Ltd
The Snugseat Spring User Manual
Document No 034-01v4 Snugseat Spring
User Manual.doc
Quality Controller
J Adams
Page 8
Dec 05
Remove the upholstery and modular pads from their plastic bags and any protective packaging
from the frame. After unpacking and checking you have all components and that they are in
good condition dispose of the packaging at your local recycling centre.
4. Preparing the buggy for use
When opening or folding the buggy, ensure that you hold the frame so that you
avoid any danger of catching your fingers in moving parts.
4.1 Unfolding and assembling the buggy
4.1.1 Unfolding the frame.
Standing at the side of the buggy: -
Unfasten the strap holding the buggy in the folded position by
squeezing the plastic prongs together and pulling the catch apart.
(See picture opposite)
1) Carefully spread the wheels apart and lift up the push handle making
sure the two plastic clips are near the top of the push handle tubes
and the pegs on the push handle fit into the holes in the rear frame.
(See picture opposite).
Lock the frame open using the two safety catches, which
are on each side of the frame near the top hinges. (
picture opposite)
Press in the silver coloured push button and slide the
plastic locking clip down the tube and over the button.
Do this on both sides of the Snugseat.
The frame is now locked.
Warning: - If the locking clips are not in the correct position or the push buttons do not
protrude so allowing the locking clips to move back up the frame, then the
frame may collapse in use.