Helpful hints
Since the alarms are text messages and not phone calls, you may want to adjust your
cell phone sms tones to be louder and more aggressive if you have critical monitoring
needs. Free apps like
can be very useful in setting up specific
contacts for the sms tones and playing various sounds, even recordings.
How do I set the Guard to DHCP? (wired version)
The CM705E must be plugged in and network cable attached to the network.
Turn the Guard off. Hold down the Alarm Cancel button and turn the CM705E on.
The screen will display
Release Push button.
Release it before the 5 second count-
down. The screen will display
Reset to DHCP? No.
Pressing and releasing
the button again will toggle the
. Let it boot up while the
is dis-
played and it will be in DHCP mode.
How do I set the Guard to DHCP? (wireless version)
The CM705E cover must be removed. Power the unit on. When it has completely
booted up, press the Reset_Defaults button for 6 seconds, or until the led goes out.
Please note, the network adapter will be set to defaults, not just DHCP. All wireless set-
tings will be lost. If you just need to set to DHCP and have access to the soft AP, reset it
through the soft AP.
If the unit beeps and no sensors are out of limits
The unit will beep three short beeps, about every 10-20 seconds, if there is no cellular
signal detected. Move it to a better location or install an external antenna.