TLC39-22 and TLC39-22I fireplaces are Underwriters
Laboratories listed for installation in a mobile home with
TEMCO double-wall 8" air-cooled chimney and
components. The installation of this fireplace in a mobile
home is similar to its installation in site construction w ith the
following exceptions:
1. The fireplace must be secured to the floor of the mobile
home by means of tabs on each side.
2. Only one elbow set may be used per fireplace system. A
minimum height of 13'6" must be maintained when
elbows are used.
3. TEMCO glass doors, firestop thimble, and model AlR-3B
combustion air kit must be installed for mobile home use.
The duct for the combustion air kit may go through the
floor or the side wall of the mobile home.
4. 11'6" is the minimum system height for mobile home
installations. The height of the system is measured from
t h e
base of the fireplace and includes 6" of the chimney cap.
5. A firestop thimble is required in all mobile home
installations. The TEMCO Model UFT8-1 universal
firestop thimble may be used for flat and vaulted mobile
home ceilings (0° to 30°).
The firestop thimble is designed to eliminate the need to
cut trusses when installing the 8" chimney between
standard mobile home roof trusses fabricated on 16"
centers. Locate and mark the center of chimney on the
mobile home ceiling. Cut a 14 1/2" square in the ceiling.
Position the firestop thimble with the flanges up and with
Figure 23
Figure 24
WARNING: Do not install a fireplace in a sleeping
room of a mobile home.
Figure 25
Manufactured Home Installations