Doorphone AA-539
Page 42 of 57
Range = possible values
Enter your
150 #
Root number
This is the prefix that the system dial before sending the
number inserted by the user in the keyboard expansion. For
example if the root number is “3” and the user digits “14” on
the keyboard expansion, the system dials “314”. It has not
effect on the speed dialing selection.
Range: 4 digits, values 0-9
168 #
Max digits number
Indicates the maximum number of digits accepted from the AA-
539K expansion during a direct number dialing. If an access
code is entered this parameter is ignored. Useful in association
or alternatively to the parameter 150 to limit the possibility of
Range: max 2 digits, values 01-16
169 #
Voice greeting
AA-539 can play greeting messages according to the value of
this parameter:
0 = greeting messagge off
1 = play greeting message 1 (max 7 seconds)
2 = play greeting message 2 (max 7 seconds)
3 = play greeting message 1+2 (max 14 seconds)
Range: max 1 digit, values 0-3
136 #
Number of rings
before answer
Number of rings before AA-539 answers to the incoming call.
Range: 1 digit,value 0-9
163 #
Ringtone volume
Incoming call ringtone volume.
Range: 0-1-2-3 (0 minimum level, 3 maximum level)
158 #
Incoming calls
answering mode
Define how AA-539 answers to the incoming calls.
0 = automatic answer, normal case
1 = automatic answer with only caller voice
2 = automatic answer with only called voice
3 = manual answer only when pressed the AA-539 button or
AA-539K key.
4 = manual answer only when is digited the right code on AA-
539K expansion. The code is defined in parameter 159.
Range: max 1 digit, value 0-4
159 #
Answer code from
AA-539K keyboard
Code to digit on the AA-539K expansion to force AA-539 to
answer at an incoming call when the parameter 158 is set to
value 4.
Range: max 4 digits, values 0-9999
138 #
Relay 1 activation
Relay 1 activation mode
0 = Activated from the telephone command or from access
code. It remains active for the time set in the parameter 137
(eg. opening door).
1 = Activated by the button pressing (es. to drive an external
ringtone like a call repeater). If the button has a telephone
number associated, it is called in any case.
Range: 1 digit, value 0-1
144 #
Relay 2 activation
Relay 2 activation mode
0 = Activated from telephone command or from access code. It
remains active for the time set in the parameter 142 (eg.
opening door).
1 = After the activation of relay 1, relay 2 will be activated after
the time set in parameter 145 (waiting) for the time set in
parameter 142. For example to light passage following the
opening of a pedestrian gate.
2 = Automatic backlight. Not active when the system is in Day
mode, activated in Night mode.
3 = Follow relay 1. Relay 2 will be active when relay 1 is active,
and not active when relay 1 is off.
Range: 1 digit, value 0-3
137 #
Relay 1 activation
Relay 1 activation time in seconds
Range : max 2 digits,values 1-99
142 #
Relay 2 activation
Relay 2 activation time in seconds
Range : max 2 digist, values 1-99
145 #
Relay 2 delay time
This is the delay time (in seconds) between relay 1 activation
and relay2 activation when the parameter 144 is set to value 1.
Range : max 2 digits, values 0-99
147 #
Logic for activating
relay 1
Establishes the criteria for the activation of the relay 1
0 = contact of the relay 1 is active when normally closed
1= contact ot the relay 1 is active when normally open (useful
with electric locks that work with the absence of voltage)
Range: 1 digit, value 0-1