Restore to Standalone Defaults
System defaults will be restored to those in the “Standalone Defaults” column
of Table 2.
Enable Automatic Transfer Code
Select transfer code, or disable. When enabled, the Polling Controller will
automatically append the transfer code after the dialed number. This feature
will not operate when the Line Split Method is Six Digits.
Recognize Programmable Routing Codes
Enable/Disable this feature. This command is included to prevent conflicts
between the new programmable routing codes, and the original fixed codes.
When this item is disabled, the system will only recognize the original fixed
routing codes as defined below:
*01 through *16 for ports 1 through 16 respectively
*7 through *0 for ports 1 through 4 respectively
77 through 00 (rotary only) for ports 1 through 4 respectively
#7 for remote programming
#1 through #4 for remote programming of devices 1 through 4 respectively
(daisy chain configuration)
To recognize the programmable port routing codes, and programmable remote
programming routing codes as defined by the *15#.. and *16#.. commands, two
items must be set: This item must be enabled, and the Line Split method
(defined below) must be set to Six Digits. When “Recognize Programmable
Routing Codes” is enabled, rotary dialing of routing codes is not recognized.
Line Split Method
The Polling Controller may be configured to split the line after it has
recognized the routing code (Routing Code Detect Method), or after at least 6
digits have been dialed (Six Digits Method). The former is recommended for
most installations. The latter is more suitable for certain networks that are
confused by additional dialing after the dialed number. (This includes some
cellular networks.) When the Line Split Method is set to Six Digits the system
will split the line after seeing 6 digits, and then continue to capture the
remainder of the digits as they are dialed. If the unit is not programmed for
programmable routing codes (*04#0#), it will look for the * or #, signifying the
start of the routing code. After the routing code is received the unit outputs the
remainder of the dialed number, and starts to look for any call progress
signals. If at least .6 seconds of call progress is seen (ringback) the unit starts to
output the transfer code corresponding to the received routing code.
Polling Controller Reference Manual
Page 20