LN930 M.2 Hardware User Guide
1VV0301078 Rev.10 – 2015-11-11
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NRT mechanisms are not sufficient to guarantee seamless co-running of LTE and
connectivity systems (WLAN, BT, and GNSS).
Inter-system Synchronization
For the cases where co-running of LTE and connectivity systems cannot be achieved, a Real
Time (RT) coexistence controller is implemented in the LTE Layer-1 subsystem. The RT
coexistence controller is in control of the RT coexistence interface, which is exposed to the
connectivity chip. The RT coexistence controller exploits real time information received from
the LTE Layer-1 subsystem and from the connectivity chip to coordinate LTE and
connectivity “in the air” activities. The coordination function protects LTE traffic while
optimizing the throughput and availability of WLAN/BT/GNSS. When operating in this mode,
the connectivity systems have reduced capability since they access the medium when LTE is
inactive, or when their respective operations do not impact each other significantly.
The Non Real-Time mechanism implements a messaging based interface, formatted as AT
commands that are passed to the AP host over the IPC interface (USB). A simple piece of SW
residing on the AP host will tunnel the Non Real-Time messages between the BT/WLAN
device and M.2 module, translate AT commands to/from the BT/WLAN driver commands,
and maintain the states of the BT/ WLAN and M.2 LTE modem. The host software will also
be responsible for initializing the Real-Time mechanism.
The Real-Time mechanism consists of 3 GPIO signals which allow the synchronization of
multiple TX and RX events. The signals to support real Time coexistence are listed in
If the coexistence signals are not used by the host system, they should not be
Table 18 Coexistence – Hardware Synchronization Signals
Voltage Level
- Synchronous signal
indicating LTE UL gap. Envelop signal with
edges occurring 1ms before in-the-air gap
(raising and falling edges)
RT arbiter indicates to connectivity cores
when there is no LTE Tx (Envelope)
1.8 V
IDC _CwsPriority
- 0 : Low priority / 1 :
high priority CWS Indicates if the coming
activity is high priority
1.8 V