HE920 Hardware User Guide
1vv0301014 Rev.9 – 2014-01-23
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Page 60 of 84
Using the Temperature Monitor Function
Short Description
The Temperature Monitor is a function of the module that permits to control its internal
temperature and if properly set (see the #TEMPMON command on AT Interface guide) it
raises to High Logic level a GPIO when the maximum temperature is reached.
Indication of Network Service Availability
The STAT_LED pin status shows information on the network service availability and Call
status. In the HE920 modules, the STAT_LED usually needs an external transistor to drive an
external LED. Because of the above, the status indicated in the following table is reversed
with respect to the pin status:
LED status
Permanently off
Device off
Fast blinking
(Period 1s, Ton 0,5s)
Net search / Not registered /
turning off
Slow blinking
(Period 3s, Ton 0,3s)
Registered full service
Permanently on
a call is active