HE920 Hardware User Guide
1vv0301014 Rev.9 – 2014-01-23
Reproduction forbidden without written authorization from Telit Communications S.p.A. - All Rights
Page 47 of 84
An example of GNSS antenna supply circuit is shown in the following image:
When using the Telit HE920, since there’s no antenna connector on the module, the antenna
must be connected to the HE920 through the PCB with the antenna pad.
In the case that the antenna is not directly connected at the antenna pad of the HE920, then a
PCB line is required.
This line of transmission shall fulfill the following requirements:
Antenna Line on PCB Requirements
Characteristic Impedance
Max Attenuation
Coupling with other signals shall be avoided
Cold End (Ground Plane) of antenna shall be equipotential to the HE920 ground pads
Furthermore if the device is developed for the US and/or Canada market, it must comply with
the FCC and/or IC requirements.
This device is to be used only for mobile and fixed application.
GPS/GNSS Antenna - PCB Line Guidelines
Ensure that the antenna line impedance is 50ohm.
Keep line on the PCB as short as possible to reduce the loss.
Antenna line must have uniform characteristics, constant cross section, avoid meanders
and abrupt curves.