GT864-3G Terminal Product Description
80269ST10071a Rev.0 - 14/09/0
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4 Service and SW / Firmware Update
The RS232 serial interface on the Terminal used for the communication with a PC can also be
used to update the
Telit GT864-3G Terminal
firmware (Software).
The firmware update can be done with a specific software tool provided by Telit that runs on
windows based PCs.
4.1 Xfp Tool
The firmware update of the module can be performed with the Xfp Tool provided by Telit. It runs on
Windows based PCs. It erases the flash memory content, then it downloads the new firmware on
the flash memory.
4.1.1 Step-by-Step Upgrade Procedure
To update the
firmware, follow the procedure:
1. collect information about the
and Software version using the following
AT commands:
AT+CGMR<cr>, returns the Software version information;
AT+CGMM<cr>, returns the
2. Switch OFF the terminal.
3. Run the
tool, the following windows are displayed. Power OFF the module if
needed then press OK button.