GT864-3G Terminal Product Description
80269ST10071a Rev.0 - 14/09/0
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2.8 SIM Interface Characteristics
The GT864-3G Terminal is fitted with a SIM card reader designed for 1.8V and 3V SIM cards. It is
the flip-up type which is lockable in the horizontal position and is accessed through a removable
Telit GT864-3G Terminal
has an enhanced SIM card reader with a sensor that allows
detecting of a “hot” removal of the SIM, therefore the SIM can be extracted and re-inserted while
the module is still on.
: On the
Telit GT864-3G Terminal
the sensing of a hot removal of the SIM is not supported
during power saving mode (AT+CFUN=5).
2.8.1 SIM card precautions
Before handling the SIM card in your application, ensure that you are not charged with static
electricity. Use proper precautions to avoid electrostatic discharges.
When the SIM card hatch is opened, the SIM card connectors lie exposed under the SIM
card holder.
Do not touch these connectors! If you do, you may release an electrical
discharge that could damage the modem or the SIM card.
When designing your application, the SIM card’s accessibility should be taken into
account. We always recommend that you have the SIM card protected by a PIN code. This
will ensure that the SIM card cannot be used by an unauthorized person.