GT864-3G Terminal Product Description
80269ST10071a Rev.0 - 14/09/0
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2.7.2 Serial Data
does not support autobauding. Users have to set the right speed for serial
communication before device initialization. If the right speed is set, the device responds with OK.
The default baudrate is 115200.
• send command AT+IPR=<rate><cr>
• wait for OK response
where rate is the port speed and can be 0, 300,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200,
230400 bps.
2.7.3 The PC as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)
The software application for using the PC RS232 standard serial interface (COM-port) as Data
Terminal Equipment (DTE) is usually Hyper Terminal. Connect using the COM-port to which the
GT864-3G Terminal is connected with the following settings:
For more information about which AT Commands are implemented on the GT864-3G Terminal can
be found in the “UC864 Software User Guide” and “UC864 AT Commands Reference Guide”,
available on
We remind you that when you consult the AT Commands Reference Guide referring to the
UC864 please consider that due to the limitations of the GT864-3G Terminal, such as no access to
GPIO, not all AT Commands can be implemented.