Telit GM862-GPS
Quad Band GPS Data Terminal Module
Pag.37 of 79
Rev. 0 MDM.readbyte()
Receives a byte from AT command interface without waiting for it. Request to Send (RTS)
is set to ON.
No input parameter.
Return value is a Python integer which is -1 if no data received otherwise is the byte value
received. It can be zero.
b = MDM.readbyte()
receives a byte from AT command handling, assigning return value to b. MDM.getDCD()
Gets Carrier Detect (DCD) from AT command interface.
No input parameter.
Return value is a Python integer which is 0 if DCD is OFF or 1 if DCD is ON.
cd = MDM.getDCD()
gets DCD from AT command handling, assigning return value to cd. MDM.getCTS()
Gets Clear to Send (CTS) from AT command interface.
No input parameter.
Return value is a Python integer which is 0 if CTS is OFF or 1 if CTS is ON.
cts = MDM.getCTS()
gets CTS from AT command handling, assigning return value to cts. MDM.getDSR()
Gets Data Set Ready (DSR) from AT command interface.
No input parameter.
Return value is a Python integer which is 0 if DSR is OFF or 1 if DSR is ON.
dsr = MDM.getDSR()
gets DSR from AT command handling, assigning return value to dsr. MDM.getRI()
Gets Ring Indicator (RI) from AT command interface.
No input parameter.
Return value is a Python integer which is 0 if RI is OFF or 1 if RI is ON.
ri = MDM.getRI()
gets RI from AT command handling, assigning return value to ri. MDM.setRTS()
Sets Request to Send (RTS) in AT command interface.
Input parameter is a Python integer which is 0 if setting RTS to OFF or 1 if setting RTS to
No return value.