GM862 Product Description
80272ST10019a Rev. 10 – 18/09/2008
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4.3 Jammed Detect & Report Extension
4.3.1 Overview
The Jammed Detect & Report feature allows a
GPS modules
to detect
the presence of a disturbing device such as a Communication Jammer and give indication to the user
and/or send a report of that to the network.
This feature can be very important in alarm, security and safety applications that rely on the module
for the communications. In these applications, the presence of a Jammer device can compromise the
whole system reliability and functionality and therefore shall be recognized and reported either to the
local system for countermeasure actions or to the network providing remote actions.
An example scenario could be an intrusion detection system that uses the module for sending the
alarm indication for example with an SMS to the system owner, and a thief incomes using a Jammer
to prevent any communication between the GSM module and the network.
In such a case, the module detects the Jammer presence even before the break in and can trigger an
alarm siren, other communication devices (PSTN modem) or directly report this condition to the
network that can provide further security services for example sending SMS to the owner or police.
Obviously this last service depends also from network infrastructure support and it may not be
supported by some networks.