S42/Central Software User Guide
1VV0301318 Rev. 3
– 2018-08-31
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0x0011 PROP:0x3E UUID:FF01
0x0014 PROP:0x3E UUID:FF02
0x0017 PROP:0x3E UUID:FF03
0x001A PROP:0x08 UUID:FF04
0x001C PROP:0x04 UUID:FF05
0x001E PROP:0x02 UUID:FF06
0x0020 PROP:0x10 UUID:FF07
0x0023 PROP:0x20 UUID:FF08
0x0026 PROP:0x30 UUID:FF09
0x0029 PROP:0x3E UUID:FF0A
0x002C PROP:0x3E UUID:FF0B
0x002F PROP:0x3E UUID:FF0C
0x0032 PROP:0x3E UUID:FF0D
0x0035 PROP:0x3E UUID:0000FF0A000010008000008025000000
0x0038 PROP:0x3E UUID:0000FF0B000010008000008025000000
0x003B PROP:0x3E UUID:0000FF0C000010008000008025000000
0x003E PROP:0x3E UUID:0000FF0D000010008000008025000000
The S42/Central reports a list of GATT characteristics of the requested GATT
service UUID: “FF00” from the peripheral device. This list of characteristics includes all
characteristic specific values like, characteristic handle, characteristic properties, characteristic
The following example lists the information of the first characteristic in details:
characteristic handle:
characteristic properties:
characteristic UUID:
The characteristic handle is required for all access functions to use with this characteristic.
The characteristic properties inform about the possible access functions available on this
characteristic, like
read, write, write without response, notify, indicate. In this
example the
properties PROP: 0x3E with the characteristic handle 0x0011 are set to all possible properties.
The characteristic UUID identifies the characteristic ID within this service.