Telexper International Inc.
3F-3, No.2, Chien Pa Rd., Chung Ho City,
Taipei 235, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-2-6620-5898 Fax: 886-2-6620-6909
E-mail: [email protected]
http://www.telexper.com ISO 9001:2000
A member of VisionSoft
IP Security Solutions
Chapter 3 System Setup
System Setup Flow Chart
Prepare the computer that is
Install the Telexper CMS-Lite
Connect the nVS-1P by using the
LAN cable
to nHUB-4P
Connect Cameras by using the 75 Ohm
coaxial video cable to nVS-1P
Connect the nHUB-4P by using the
LAN cable
to nCS
Check the Monitors, Keyboard, Mouse,
Power cord
etc are connected
Finish, system start working
Power on the computer and the CMS-Lite will
automatically finish system settings while
the first boot the system
Log on the CMS-Lite user name and password.
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