6. Operating with UWE432 module
6.1 Enrolment (registering) of AVA devices
The enrolment (registering) of wireless AVA devices to the universal receiver module UWE432 can be
done in
We recommend you to group the detectors according their functionality.
For example:
• PIR detectors AVA P-REX to Z1 zone;
• Magnetic contacts AVA MC* to Z2 zone;
• Remote control AVA RС 102TE to Z3 zone;
• Fire detectors AVA FD to Z4** zone.
If you need to connect additional hard wired devices to the “Roll Shutter” terminal of AVA MC,
remember that when the AVA MC magnetic contact is registered to zones 1 to 3 the setting of “pulse”
parameter is 4 impulses (“pulse” parameter represents the number of impulses at the input of “Roll Shut-
ter” terminal). When you register AVA MC magnetic contact to zone 4 the setting of “pulse” parameter
is 1 impulse.
To zone 4, you can register also universal transceivers and in this way to expand the range of
peripheral devices enrolled to the system.
ATTENTION: To the Sounders zone could be enrolled wireless outdoor sirens
SR200R only!
In cases when different detector types are enrolled to a same zone (the detectors are grouped
according the premises), keep in mind that then the fire alarm signals will be identified from the control
panel as “general trouble” event instead as “fire in the premises”.
Sequence of enrolment (registering) of AVA devices
The UWE432 module is in operating mode -
indicator lights up in green.
Enter LEARN mode - hold the LEARN button pressed for 3 seconds. The
indicator lights up in
red, Z1 in orange.
With single pressing of the LEARN button move to the zone number to which you want to enrol de
vices. The indicator of the selected zone lights up in orange.
Open the detector enclosure and enrol it to the module as described in it installation manual instruc-
tions. If the device is enrolled to the module successfully a series of short beeps is heard.
Single press the RESET button, if you want to disable the TAMPER event signal of the selected
zone. The indicator of the selected zone will light up in green. Next pressing of RESET button will en
able the TAMPER event signal of the selected zone. The zone indicator in this case will light up again
in orange.
When you register AVA RC 102TE remote control to UWE432, you have to connect In3 input to a PGM
(programmable output) of the control panel, so to be able to monitor the state (ARM/DISARM) - see also
Table 1. Otherwise the described next actions with the AVA RC 102TE buttons will not have the desired
ATTENTION: You can register the AVA RC 102TE remote control to any of UWE432
wireless zones (Z1 to Z4), but keep in mind that the respective zone will operate as
Key-switch type zone set in PULSE MODE!
IMPORTANT: You can register AVA RC 102TE only to zones with NO OTHER detec-
tors registered before that!
Press a random button of AVA RC 102TE keypad to enrol (register) the remote control to UWE432
control module. After a successful enrolment of AVA RC 102TE the buttons will perform the following
- Indication of the zone status:
- The system is ARMED - two short sound signals and 1 blink in red;
- The system is DISARMED - three short sound signals and 1 blink in green.