Picture 17.
Commander’s “PID” page view.
The PID page is used for confi guring MPEG reception. In
MPEG compression PID is Program IDentifi er and PCR stands
for Program Clock Recovery. PID is an individual identifi er for
separate MPEG data streams. PCR PID indicates the stream
where the syncronisation information is included.
Service/Camera frame
PCR Lock Status indicates when the Decoder has tuned to a
valid stream and synchronisation is achieved.
Services window shows a list of all programs available. Tuning
to a certain channel in the list can be done by choosing it and
pressing Apply .
Service data
Refresh button - not yet defi ned
Upload button - not yet defi ned
PID selection frame
PID selection is usually a half-automatic function. When there
is a valid stream detected all PIDs can be set by selecting P0
from the Services menu. You can also set PIDs manually
between 1…255.
All changes in settings should be confi rmed by
pressing Apply .
PID Page
20 IND2x2 Series User Manual rev001