Anleitung Türstationen a / b Serie 20 / 40 / 50
Legal Information
legAl inforMAtion
1. We reserve the right to change our products,
without notice, in line with technical progress.
As a result of continuous development, the
products illustrated may look different from the
products actually delivered.
2. Reprints or adoption of texts, images, and
pictures from these instructions in any media –
given in full or as extracts – require our express
written consent.
3. Design and layout of these instructions are
copyright protected. We do not assume any
liability for possible errors, content errors and
misprints (including technical data or within
images and
technical diagrams).
Information with regard to product liability::
1. All products mentioned in these instructions
may only be used for the purpose intended. In
case of doubts, please contact a competent
specialist or our services department (cf. tele-
phone numbers).
2. Products with a power supply (especially
when mains-operated at 230 V) must be discon-
nected before opening or during installation.
3. We are not liable for damages and conse-
quential damages due to modifications of or
changes to our products or due to improper
use. This also applies to improper storage or
external influences.
4. Please observe the respective guidelines for
working with voltages of 230 V, mains-powered
or battery-powered products, e.g. directives for
complying with the electromagnetic compatibil-
ity or the Low Voltage Directive. Corresponding
work should only be performed by a trained
technician who has experience in this area.
5. Our products meet all technical guidelines
and telecommunications regulations currently
applicable in Germany and the EU.
Low Voltage Directive