The Receiver takes its signal selectively from Fiber 1. If the signal on Fiber 1 is
lost, the RX automatically switches to its Fiber 2 input. If the signal on Fiber 1 is
restored, and the signal on Fiber 2 is lost, the RX switches back to Fiber 1. If
both fibers remain active, pressing the Select button on the front panel will toggle
between them.
Making the Fiber Connection
Inspect the fiber ends and clean them with dry compressed air or with Kim-Wipes
that have been wet with pure isopropyl alcohol. Fingerprints or other dirt on the
optical connector end surfaces will reduce the received optical signal level.
Connect the fibers to their matching ports on both the TX and RX units.
Powering Up
Never move the power switch on the front panel without first disengaging its lock
by pulling on the switch lever.
With power off at both units, inspect the electrical and optical connections for
damage. Firmly seat and latch all connectors.
1. Pull the switch lever away from the front panel and up for power on.
2. Be sure to switch power on to the transmitter and receiver; the power
switches on both units must be on for the system to function normally.
Powering Down
Never disconnect the DC power input connector without first turning the power
switch lever off. Failure to do this will result in the discharge of the internal UPS
backup battery, affecting its integrity and lifetime.
Optical Transmitter Losses
The maximum fiber distance is defined by the optical loss operating margin. The
RX signal must be - 21 dBm or higher. Losses on single mode fiber are
approximately 0.5 dB/km or less. Refer to Table 1 for the expected TX output
requirement and the consequent RX input power.