d. Select the Calibration button, then the Calibration check box to select all self-calibrations, and change the Log options as
desired. All available tests and adjustments are selected now.
3. Click Start to begin the calibration. The Start button changes to Abort while the calibration is in process.
4. During calibration, you can click the Abort button to stop the calibration and revert to the previous calibration data. If you do so, no
calibration constants will be saved.
5. If you allow the calibration to complete, and there are no errors, the new calibration data is applied and saved. The pass/fail result is
shown in the right panel of the Calibration page, and contains the associated date, time, and temperature information.
6. Calibration data is automatically stored in non-volatile memory. If you don’t want to use the calibration data from the most recent
self-calibration, click the Restore factory cal button. This loads the original calibration data shipped with the instrument.
This section contains information designed to help troubleshoot the AWG5200 series instruments to the module level. Component-level
repair is not supported.
Use the instrument diagnostics to help troubleshoot these instruments.
Note: The diagnostics are available during normal start-up of the AWG5200 Series application.
Back up data
Before running any diagnostics or calibrations on a unit, copy
to a
another location.
Review this data with an XML editor or Excel spreadsheet to locate the errors. Then when you run diagnostics or calibrations, you can
compare current and previous instrument behavior.
Saving the persistence file
Before you start troubleshooting, use Microsoft Windows Explorer to back up the persistence file to a safe
service copy location. After service is complete, restore the persistence file. The persistence file location is
resultStatistics log file
The resultStatistics log file is a good starting point when diagnosing a reported problem. This file contains the instrument’s identification
data and includes which tests were run and results.
This is an .xml file and the best way to view the file is as follows:
1. Open a blank Excel spreadsheet.
2. Click on the Data tab.
3. Click Get Data and then select File > From XML.
4. Navigate to
and import the data.
Diagnostics overview
The instrument runs some self-tests at start-up. These are the POST tests.
The POST tests check connectivity between the boards and also check that the power is within the required range, and that the clocks are
functional. You can also choose to run the POST tests at any time, by selecting POST Only in the Diagnostics window.
If there is an error, the instrument automatically goes into diagnostics.
The levels of diagnostics in the tree are:
AWG5200 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generators Service Manual