There is no periodic lubrication required for this instrument.
Remove and replace
This section contains procedures for removal and installation of customer-replaceable modules in the AWG5200 series generator. All parts
listed in the Replaceable Parts section of this manual is a module.
Warning: Before performing this or any other procedure in this manual, read the
in this section.
This section contains the following items:
• List of equipment required to remove and disassemble modules
• Module locator diagram for finding the replaceable modules
• Interconnect instructions
• Procedures for removal and reinstallation of instrument modules
Warning: Before removing or replacing any module, disconnect the power cord from the line voltage source. Failure to do so
could cause serious injury or death.
Required equipment
The following table lists equipment that you will need to remove and replace instrument modules.
Table 3: Required tools for removal and replacement of modules
Torque driver
Accepts 1/4 inch screwdriver bits. Torque range of 5 in/lb. to 14 in/lb.
T10 TORX tip
TORX driver bit for T10 size screw heads
T20 TORX tip
TORX driver bit for T20 size screw heads
T25 TORX tip
TORX driver bit for T25 size screw heads
Remove and replace procedures not requiring factory calibration
Note: Calibration is not required when you remove external assemblies, shown in this section.
Rear-corner feet
There are four rear-corner feet.
1. Stand the instrument on its handles, with the rear panel facing up.
2. Remove the screw holding the foot, using a T25 tip.
3. To replace the foot, align it carefully and hold it in alignment while installing the screw. Use a T25 tip and torque to 20 in-lbs.
Bottom feet
There are four feet on the instrument bottom: two flip feet at the front, and two stationary feet at the rear.
1. Set the instrument on its top, with the bottom facing up.
AWG5200 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generators Service Manual