105-0717-006 13
rip jaws: Any recess can be turned between 96mm (3.8”) and
120mm (4.7”) diameter. EUROPE/UK: Maximum recess size is 8mm
(0.30"). Choose the diameter that suits your bowl design. However, the
optimum turning recess diameter (on the outside) is 99mm
(3 57/64”).
As the recess diameter is increased above 99mm, less jaw contact is
made. This needs to be kept in mind when considering the recess
depth and size of wood blank being mounted. Increase the recess
depth to maximum if a recess diameter in excess of 99mm is used.
The dovetail angle is 15 degrees.
Forming a Recess
The jaw dovetail has been designed for use with a standard skew
scraper. This chisel will make a recess to the angle required. FOR
OTHER TOOL. A profile of this chisel is shown below. It is best to
work with a tool, which is already ground, to the correct angle. All that
is necessary then is to keep the leading edge of the chisel flat on the
wood, moving forward and out to form the recess to the required
diameter and depth.
Mount bowl blank on screw as described in previous section. It may
be convenient to first mark out with a pencil, a circle on the bowl blank.
To mark out the recess diameter with pencil, hold pencil point to
desired radius, supported on the tool rest. Then revolve blank by hand
thus creating a pencilled circle. However, as specified above, any
recess diameter can be made between 96mm (3.8”) 120mm (4.7”) so
exact sizing of the recess is unnecessary.
Before scraping out the recess, slightly hollow out the centre of the
bowl blank with a bowl gouge or round nose scraper. The purpose is