118-0817-007 11
Unpack the lathe and its components from the shipping package.
Clean any parts coated with the rust preventative compound with a cloth moistened with a petroleum-
based solvent or cleanser, such as Kerosene or Mineral Spirits. After all the parts have been
cleaned, coat the lathe bed with paste wax or a dry silicon spray.
Insert the Tool Rest into the Tool Slide and secure it with the lock handle.
Assemble the Tailstock Handle and quill lock as below.
Place the Drive Spur Center into the Headstock and the Live Center into the Tailstock. Gently slide
the tailstock up to the Headstock until the two points nearly touch. They should align. If not, see
page 25 for alignment procedures. Also consider loosening the bolts holding the headstock to the
bed and aligning the headstock so the two points, head and tailstocks, align vertically and
Screw the LHB (Hand wheel) onto the outboard end of the Spindle
Assembling the Tailstock:
1. Insert the Hand Wheel handle
screw into the Hand Wheel
2. Using a flat head screw
driver, screw the hand wheel
handle onto the rear face of
the Hand Wheel and tighten.
Installing the Hand Wheel Handle
3. Align the quill so that the slot
is facing upward and parallel
with the top of the tailstock.
4. Install the locking handle into
the top of the tailstock so that
it will enter into the slot of the
Make sure the locking handle is in the
correct position by trying to rotate the
If it cannot be rotated, the locking
handle and quill are in the correct
Installing the lock Handle