EC Declaration of Conformity
We, Finishing Brands UK, Ltd., Ringwood Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH11 9LH, UK, as the manufacturer of the
Spray gun model
, declare, under our sole responsibility, that the equipment to which this document
relates is in conformity with the following standards or other normative documents:
BS EN 12100 PARTS 1 & 2: 2010, BS EN 1953: 1998+A1:2009; and thereby conform to the
protection requirements of Council Directive 98/37/EEC relating to Machinery Safety Directive, and;
EN 13463-1:2009, council Directive 94/9/EC relating to Equipment and Protective Systems intended
for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres protection level II 2 G X.
This product also complies with the requirements of the EPA guidelines, PG6/34. Transfer efficiency certificates
are available on request.
D Smith, General Manager
June 2013
Technical Bulletin
TEKNA Gravity Feed Spraygun
Read and follow all instructions and Safety Precautions before using this equipment. Keep
for future use.
The TEKNA Gravity Feed Spraygun Kit complies to ATEX regulations 94/9/EC, protection level
II 2 G X, Suitable for
use in Zones 1 and 2.
DeVilbiss Automotive Refinishing reserves the right to modify equipment specification without prior notice.
Operational Description
The TEKNA spraygun is a lightweight professional gun designed to handle both water-based and solvent-based
coating materials. Both HVLP and high efficiency models are available.
High volume, low pressure (HVLP) models are designed to reduce overspray and provide maximum transfer
efficiency by limiting air cap pressure to 0.7 bar (10 psi) (complies with rules issued by SCAQMD and other air
quality authorities).
HVLP models will produce approximately 0.7 bar (10 psi) air cap pressure at 1.8 bar (26 psi) gun inlet pressure
with the trigger pulled. HVLP air cap #202 is designed for optimum basecoat applications. HVLP air cap #909
is designed for optimum clear coat applications. Two air cap test kits are available (see
) which can
be utilized to set the exact air cap pressure.
High efficiency models use air cap #7E7. These models are designed to provide optimum atomization of
virtually all waterborne or solvent-based common coating materials at increased application rates while
maintaining very high transfer efficiency. High efficiency models, when tested under recommended conditions
with automotive refinishing materilas, have been found to exceed 65% transfer efficiency.
High efficiency models comply with SCAQMD rules and certain other air quality authorities. Refer to the website
for a complete listing of approved areas and requirements for regulatory
These guns are not designed for use with highly corrosive and/or abrasive materials and if
used with such materials it must be expected that the need for cleaning and/or replacement of parts will be
increased. If there is any doubt regarding the suitability of a specific material, contact your TEKNA Distributor or
TEKNA direct.
NOTE: This gun is not to be used with halogenated hydrocarbon solvents or cleaning agents such as
1,1,1,-Trichloroethane or methylene chloride. These solvents can react with the aluminium components
used in this gun and cup. The reaction can become violent and lead to an equipment explosion.