10 TEGAM WAY • GENEVA, OHIO 44041 • 440-466-6100 • FAX 440-466-6110
and composition or the measurement accuracy will be
negatively affected.
Operating an ohmmeter with two wires results in lead
resistance, which is in series with the resistor under test,
being added to the unknown resistance. Further, copper wire
resistance has a large temperature coefficient. Two leads of
relatively heavy 18 gauge wire, each 8 feet long, will add
approximately 0.1 Ω to the measured value. Therefore, 2-
wire operation should not be used with low-value resistors,
without subtracting the resistance of the test leads.
Note that the R1L-D1 is a 5 ½ digit instrument in order to
provide 10 mΩ resolution when reading 1060 Ω RTD's. On
lower ranges, this provides finer resolution, down to 1 µΩ on
the 0.1 Ω range. However, with a maximum of 50 mA of test
current, the voltage signal for 1 µΩ is only 0.05 µV, easily
obscured by noise picked up in the leads. Thus, it should not
be expected to read one count accurately on the low
resistance ranges
This unit will operate over a temperature range from 0 to 50
°C. This unit will comply with the requirements of MIL-PRF-
28800 Class 3 for shipboard applications.
Description of Equipment
Physical: A rugged heavy-duty case is provided to contain
and protect the instrument. When closed, a gasket seals the
lid to protect the instrument against water and dirt while the
instrument is carried through rainstorms or other hazardous
conditions. When the lid is open, for operation of the
instrument, a second gasket provides additional, although
reduced, protection. Feet are molded into the bottom of the
case and projections provide for stacking several units high
during temporary storage.
Dimensions: 356 mm (14”) x 269 mm (11”) x 153 mm (6”).
Weight is 3.6 kg (8 lb). With the lid open for operation, the
front panel and its controls are readily accessible. Controls