10 TEGAM WAY • GENEVA, OHIO 44041 • 440-466-6100 • FAX 440-466-6110
Type an upper case "L" followed by 12000 (i.e. L12000)
and ENTER on the PC keyboard for LCD temperature
compensation at 0 °C.
Type an upper case "L" followed by 22000 (i.e. L22000)
and ENTER on the PC keyboard for LCD temperature
compensation at +40 °C.
(not function key) and ENTER on the PC. Verify
a filter setting of 80 mSec on the PC screen.
This step and the next will calibrate the five R1L-D1
resistance ranges in 4-wire mode. Each calibration
resistance must be entered as a ten-digit number, with
the last digit being µΩ. Connect the 100 mΩ standard,
and depress the R1L-D1 "Range" button to place the R1L-
D1 in the manual 200 mΩ range. Wait until a stable set of
readings are displayed on the PC screen. Type "CAL"
followed by the 10 digit calibration number followed by
ENTER on the PC. An example for this range might be
CAL0000099860 followed by ENTER. Wait to observe a
few readings close to the calibration value on the PC
Connect the 1 Ω standard, and depress the R1L-D1
"Range" button to place the R1L-D1 in the 2 Ω range.
Input the calibration value as in the previous step. Repeat
this procedure with the 10 Ω range, 100 Ω range, and 1
kΩ range.
Turn the R1L-D1 OFF, wait 10 seconds, and turn it back
ON. Connect the 1 Ω standard and verify a reading of
within ± 0.00015 Ω of the calibration value. Connect the
1 kΩ standard, and verify a reading of ± 0.1 Ω of the
calibration value.
Disconnect only the -E side of the test leads from the
R1L-D1 terminals (leaving -E open). Depress the R1L-D1
"Mode" button to place the R1L-D1 in 3-wire mode.
Connect the 1 kΩ standard, and verify a reading of ± 0.4
Ω of the calibration value. Connect the 10 Ω standard,