10 TEGAM WAY • GENEVA, OHIO 44041 440-466-6100 • FAX 440-466-6110 • www.tegam.com
Section I – Introduction
Purpose and Function
These Coaxial RF Power Standards are designed for the precise measurement of microwave power in the
6 kHz to 18 GHz frequency range. These standards can be configured as a Reference Standard or Working
Standard. The Working RF Power Standard (or Feedthrough RF Power Standard) is a thermistor mount
with power splitter combination employed as a Feedthrough standard for the calibration of terminating
power sensors such as thermoelectric, diode and thermistor power sensors. The Reference RF Power
Standard (or Terminating RF Power Standard) is a terminating thermistor mount used for the calibration
of Feedthrough standards and applications that require direct measurement of RF power.
These Coaxial RF Power Standards are designed for the calibration laboratory. These units are highly
accurate, stable with time and temperature, and are designed for use as a standard for the
characterization of calibration factors for other sensors.
Table 1.1 General Specifications
Frequency Range
6 kHz to 18 GHz
Max Power
25 mW (+14 dBm)
RF Impedance
50 Ohms nominal
Power Linearity
Typical Usable Range
<0.1% from 1 to 10 mW
-20 dBm to +10 dBm (0.01 to 10 mW) typical
(Depends on noise floor and resolution of DC instruments)
Calibration Factor Drift
<0.5% per year
Individual Calibration factors are
supplied standard at the following
frequencies. Inquire about
additional points.
6 kHz, 9 kHz
20 kHz -100 kHz in 10 kHz steps
200 kHz, 300 kHz, 455 kHz, 500 kHz
1 MHz, 1.25 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz
10 MHz to 90 MHz in 10 MHz steps
100MHz to 1950 MHz in 50 MHz steps
2 GHz to 3.9 GHz in 100 MHz steps
4 GHz to 12.4 GHz in 200 MHz steps
12.75 GHz to 18 GHz in 250 MHz steps
Thermistor DC Bias Power
Approximately 35 mW (nominal)
Thermistor Resistance at Bias
200 Ohms (set by balancer)
+15° to +30° C (+59° to +86° F)
-55° to +75° C (-67° to +167° F)