Feel Better. Move Better.
Live Better.
Specifications subject to change without notice. Teeter and Teeter logo are registered trademarks of Teeter.
© 2017 Teeter. International law prohibits any copying. LE1018 0217-2
Teeter Decompression Devices are multiple user, reusable devices for home use, intended to provide traction to the spine while stretching
the para-spinal muscles and soft tissues. The devices provide non-powered traction and are meant for use by adults.
Use of the Teeter Decompression Devices is indicated for the following conditions: back pain, muscle tension, degenerative disc disease, spinal degenerative
joint disease, spinal stenosis, herniated disc, spinal curvature due to tight muscles, sciatica, muscle spasm, and facet syndrome.
Inversion Has Changed My Life and
I Believe it will Change Yours.
In 1981, my wife and I started this company out of our family home
with one goal: to help people who suffer from back pain find natural,
sustainable relief. I understand what it is like to struggle with back
pain and the limitations it places on one’s lifestyle. I tried practically
everything to find relief, and nothing actually targeted the source of
the ache rather than deal with just the symptoms ... Until I tried
inversion therapy.
Thank you for trusting in Teeter
You may have seen other
inversion tables on the market, but they can’t compare to Teeter’s
workmanship and durability. My name is my promise to you - with a
Teeter, you know that you are investing in quality and a product that
is truly built for the benefits.
Join the legacy of 3+ million Teeter users
teeter.com | 800.847.0143
Share Your Story!
Has Teeter improved your quality
of life? We want to hear from
you! Simply use the hashtag
#MyTeeterStory on Facebook,
Twitter, or Instagram and be sure
to write a review on our website
at teeter.com/reviews.
Jenny & Roger Teeter
Founder & Innovator
I'm 65 and have experienced two serious back
injuries in my life. I have been using Teeter
Gravity Boots for
more than
15 years
and I've lived virtually
without back issues my entire life.
I primarily
that fact.
- Lloyd
After suffering long enough, I finally
bought the Teeter Inversion System and I
am thrilled by the results... It's
I can't believe how great I feel.
I wish I purchased this system years ago.
- Elizabeth
“I can truly say that these Gravity Boots are
awesome! After a 2 hour workout, I hang
upside down for 5 minutes and it helps
relieve the stress in my back
I would recommend these boots to anyone
and everyone I know.
Thanks Teeter!
- Roberto