For use with Teeter Inversion Table
Gravity Boots Owner’s Manual - 4
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 8
Figure 12
Figure 13
This section is to replace the “Secure Your Ankles” section in the Inversion Table Owner’s Manual if you
opt to utilize Gravity Boots with your Teeter instead of the standard ankle lock system. Prior to inverting,
properly hook the Gravity Boots to the Adapter Kit on the Inversion Table by following these steps:
1. With your back to the Table Bed, and using the handle to steady yourself, carefully step with one
leg inside the A-Frame (the A-Frame Crossbar will be behind you). Lift the other leg over the
installed Adapter Kit and place it on the floor on the opposite side, to straddle the
Main Shaft (Figure 8).
2. To balance yourself, rest only your lower body against the lower portion of the Table Bed. Lift one
foot so that the Gravity Boot Hook wraps around the Adapter Kit. Slide the hook along the Adapter
Kit until your foot is able to rest flat on the Ankle Comfort Dial (Figure 9). Repeat with other side.
3. Ensure that the hooks are secure around the Adapter Kit, with the bar touching or nearly touching
the base of the hook (Figure 10 & 11). If there is too much or not enough space between the base
of the hooks and the bar, you may need to adjust the Ankle Comfort Dial up or down to find your
correct setting (see Inversion Table Owner's Manual).
Employ the method of
on page 2 when securing the Gravity Boots every time
prior to inverting on the Inversion Table. Also,
the Gravity Boots and Adapter Kit:
that the Gravity Boot Hooks are securely hooked to the Adapter Kit with the bar touching
or nearly touching the base of the hook.
the Gravity Boots and Adapter Kit:
Ensure that they are secure by wiggling and attempting
to pull your feet away from the Bar. Ensure that you
disengage the Boot Hooks from the
Adapter Kit each time before attempting to invert.
This section is to replace the “Dismounting” section in the Inversion Table Owner’s Manual. Properly
unhook the Gravity Boots from the Adapter Kit by following these steps:
1. Keep your lower body supported against the Table Bed as you slide each Gravity Boot hook
along the Adapter Kit to the outside edge. Unhook the Gravity Boots and step onto
the floor (Figure 13).
2. Carefully stand up and ensure that you have your balance before stepping over the Main
Shaft and finishing your dismount.
Figure 9
4. Verify that no part of your footwear or garments touch or interfere with the EZ-Up Gravity Boots
and Adapter Kit in any way during inversion.
Access the Teeter Adapter Kit
Instructions by scanning
with your smartphone.
Thread the provided metal chain through the pre-punched hole in the upper corner of the Gravity Boots Owner's Manual and secure
through the hinge plate, or attach to the existing Teeter Inversion Table Owner's Manual chain.
Once attached,
remove the Owner’s Manual. It should remain permanently attached to your Teeter Inversion Table
to serve as a reference for all users in regards to proper use of the equipment.
Attaching Owner's Manual
ravity Boots are only compatible with certain Teeter model Inversion Tables (to verify compatibility, go to teeter.com/product-support).
use with these inversion tables until the standard ankle clamps have been modified with the Adapter Kit.
ensure the
Gravity Boot Hooks are properly seated around the bar, or you could fall while inverted, resulting in serious injury or death!
refer to the Inversion Table Owner’s Manual prior to use.