For use with EZ-Up Inversion & Chin-Up Rack
Gravity Boots Owner’s Manual - 3
ensure the EZ-Up Strap is attached, and store it properly when not in use.
work with a spotter until you are fully
confident in your ability to mount and dismount from the EZ-Up Rack.
inspect the integrity of the door and equipment, ensure
that the Locking Brackets are secure and
ensure the Gravity Boot Hooks are properly seated over the bar, or you could fall while
inverted, resulting in serious injury or death!
EZ-Up Strap
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Employ the method of
on page 2 when securing the Gravity Boots every time
prior to inverting on the EZ-Up Rack. Also,
the EZ-Up Rack or bar:
that the locking brackets on the EZ-Up Rack are closed.
the EZ-Up Rack before first use: Ensure that it is secure by having the user and another adult
person, with a combined weight equal to or greater than 1.5 times the user's weight, hang by their
hands from one end (one person on the Upper Bar and one on the Lower Bar) and bounce several
times applying their full weight. Repeat the test on the other end.
1. Grasp the foam grips on the lower bar. Swing one leg up and place the sole of your foot on the Upper
Bar (Figure 5).
2. Raise the other leg up and hook the Gravity Boot on the Upper Bar. Shift your weight to the leg with
the hooked Gravity Boot (Figure 6).
3. Reposition the leg with the unhooked Gravity Boot and then proceed to hook that Gravity Boot on
the Upper Bar (Figure 7).
4. Slowly lower your body, using the EZ-Up Handles or Strap for assistance.
1. Grasp the foam grips on the Lower Bar. Use the EZ-Up Handles or Strap for assistance (Figure 7).
TIP: to reduce the chance of dizziness, pause for 30 seconds with both hands on the lower bar while the
boots are still hooked.
2. Shift your weight to one leg and unhook the Gravity Boot on the other leg (Figure 6).
3. Place the sole of that foot on the Upper Bar. Unhook the Gravity Boot on the other leg (Figure 5).
4. Lower both feet to the ground in a controlled manner.
Using the EZ-Up Strap
Before using Gravity Boots with the EZ-Up Rack or any other inversion bar, it's important to attach the
EZ-Up Strap to assist with returning upright. DO NOT use the EZ-Up Strap with the Teeter Inversion Table.
Loop the EZ-Up Strap over the Lower Bar. Feed the large-looped end of the strap through the
small-looped end and pull until the fit is snug around the lower bar (Figure 4A).
Store the EZ-Up Strap between uses to prevent entanglement. Loop the entire length of the strap around
the bar and secure the end loop by tucking it behind the fully looped Strap to ensure that the Strap does
not unravel (Figure 4B).
Figure 4A
Figure 4B
Access the EZ-Up Inversion & Chin-Up
Rack Instructions by scanning with
your smartphone.
Attaching Owner's Manual
Thread the provided metal chain through the pre-punched hole in the upper corner of the Owner’s
Manual. Secure the chain around one of the EZ-Up Handles, out of the way when the EZ-Up Rack is in
use (Figure 3).
Once attached,
remove the Owner’s Manual. It should remain permanently attached
to your EZ-Up Rack to serve as a reference for all users in regards to proper use of the equipment.
Figure 3