Modify Marker and Marker Score Definitions
Once you save a study configuration, adding or modifying anything on this tab changes your study
configuration. You will need to merge recordings if you want them in the same study in Manager. See
the Morae Manager Help.
In the
Marker Definitions
tab, use the following icons to modify the markers and score scores.
to create a new marker or marker score definition.
You can also click in an empty row to add a new marker or marker score
Select a marker or marker score definition and click
to modify the
marker color, type, and description or marker score definition.
You can also double-click in a field to edit it.
Select a marker or marker score definition and click
to delete a
marker or marker score definition.
You can also select a row and press
to remove a marker or
marker score definition.
Select a marker and click
Move Up
to move a marker up in the list.
Select a marker and click
Move Down
to move a marker down in the list.
See also:
Marker Color, Type, and Definition
Marker Scores
Morae Recorder
Help PDF
Page 43