Before use
Expressions used in this document
• Pages to be referred to are indicated as “l O O ”.
• The product illustrations may differ from the actual product.
P le a s e c h e c k a n d id en tify th e s u p p lie d a c c e s s o rie s .
To order accessories, contact the dealer from whom you have made your purchase.
1 x Carrying case
1 x USB charging cord
1 x Detachable cord
1 x Airplane adaptor
Only for U.S.A.:
To order accessories, refer to “Limited Warranty (ONLY FOR U.S.A.)” on “Safety Instructions”.
C le a n th is unit w ith a d ry a n d soft cloth.
•W h e n the unit is very dirty, w ipe off the dirt with a cloth that has been dipped in w a te r and w ell w rung, then w ipe with
a dry cloth.
• Do not use solvents including benzine, thinner, alcohol, kitchen detergent, a chem ical wiper, etc. This m ight cause the
exterio r case to be deform ed or the coating to com e off.
K e e p in g th e b a tte ry p e rfo rm a n c e .
• During the long period of disuse, full charge this unit once eve ry 6 m onths to keep the battery perform ance.