Desert buggy xl-e • INstructIoN maNual
Vehicle Maintenance
The following items require semi-frequent maintenance.
Remove the shocks and service as needed. Replace worn parts.
1. Pull the spring up and away from the lower cup. Slide the lower spring cup
up and off of the shaft. Clean with a soft brush. Remove the shock boot.
2. Use the wheel wrench to hold the shock body and remove the top cap.
Empty the fluid from out of the shock.
3. Hold the shaft with a multi-wrench and remove the shock end. Push the
shaft into the shock body and remove through the top. Remove the lower
shock cap, dust cover, O-rings and spacer. Clean the shock body. Install new
O-rings, re-install the spacer, replace the O-ring and install the lower shock
cap. DO NOT TIGHTEN. Install the shock shaft through the shock bottom and
tighten the bottom cap. Re-install the boot and shock end on the shaft.
Shock DiSaSSeMbly/cleaning
Tip: Clean the screw and internal threads in the shaft with a spray cleaner.
Use Medium Strength Threadlock. (Note arrow)