Adjust console so that there is approximately 3-1/2” overhang in door
well. Close doors
to check clearance. Check both sides and
adjust until unit is square with van. (See photos)
Check under van and identify any
critical components or frame
members that could be damaged
before drilling holes to mount
console. Drill four 3/8” holes
through base of console and floor
of van. Drop a bolt into each hole
as you drill to prevent shifting.
In order to assure a good
electrical ground between console
and vehicle, use a split lock
washer between frame and flat
washer. The lock washer will cut
into paint and provide a good
connection. Do this on all 4 bolts.
Place split lock washers between
fender washer and floor of
van. Lock washers will cut into
metal van body to achieve a solid
ground connection. Failure to do
so could result in starting
problems and other electrical
You may have to bend a heat
shield out of the way to access
bolts. Check carefully before you
Sometimes it is necessary to drill
through part of the van frame. If
so, you will have to use 4” bolts
at those locations.
Connect wires from waste tank shutoff switch to wires in back of
console with spade terminals.
Split lock washer
Flat washer