a train over the sensor (or left this manual lying over it) the
unit will begin scanning the sensor as soon as the error
condition is corrected, though this display will not change.
The unit will work correctly for the sensors listed in this
display, so you may test the overall functionality of the
TrainSpeed 4 if you want to before troubleshooting a bad
sensor. As a test, try tripping the sensors with your finger
exactly 1 second apart. The display should then read 36 if you
are using the 1/50 of a mile sensor spacing (72 for 1/25, 18 for
1/100 and 9 for 1/200). If the speed is off a bit you need to
check your own ‘timing’. When the first sensor is tripped the
display will show which sensor is activated in the first digit of
the display with the rest of the display blank. Once the second
sensor is tripped you will see the scale speed displayed on the
2. 30
This shows that sensor #2 was activated and the train (or
finger) was doing 30 Mph. The speed will remain in the
display until either this sensor or another sensor is triggered.
If this test works you are ready to start running trains!
The unit is capable of reading only one sensor pair at a time.
So, if you are running a multi-track layout and two trains hit
the sensors at almost the same time then the first train to trip
the sensors will be the one has its speed measured. The other
train will be ignored. It should also be noted that a sensor pair
will be disabled for about 2 seconds after the train has passed
it before it will be able to measure another train’s speed. This
was done to avoid false triggering as the spaces between cars
in a train cross the sensors.