Apply power to the unit. You should see the jumper option
message ‘oP.x’. Then you will see one of the following
L.y.L => both sensors are working correctly
H.y.H => both sensors are either disconnected or ‘in the dark’
H.y.L or L.y.H => one sensor is ‘dark’ while the other is not.
Where y is the sensor selected by the jumper settings. For
example, if sensor 2 is selected and it is working properly you
will see:
If sensor 3 was selected and one of the sensors was ‘dark’
(indicated by ‘H’) the display would look like this:
When a sensor is covered (‘in the dark’) the test display for
that sensor should read ‘H’. When the sensor is lit you should
see an ‘L’ in the test display. For the unit to power up
properly both sensors should be lit (displaying ‘L’). If you are
getting an ‘H’ for a sensor, try shining a flashlight on the
sensor to see if it switches to ‘L’. If this works then you
should either add some additional lighting to your layout at
that point or move the sensors to a better lit location. If you
have marginal light at this location you can sometimes get the
sensor to work if you push it up a little further through the
roadbed (do not exceed the railhead height!).