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The BOOST MODE allows for instant increase of volume level during a
performance. The potentiometer [17] and a foot-switch [24] are designed to
control the BOOST MODE. The BOOST function performs two features at the
same time: it boosts a signal at the input of the preamp, giving extra compression
and raising the volume.
Desired volume level
may be adjusted by tweaking the
potentiometer. By then pressing the BOOST switch located on the top of the amp,
two different volume levels previously set will be obtained. The BOOST MODE is
quite beneficial as it heightens the guitar solo during a live performances.
Optimal operating parameters of tubes 12AX7 were set by manufacturer. It is not
recommended to replace operational tubes. Only broken tubes should be replaced
with new ones.
Each channel is equipped with a regular 4-point equalizer: BASS, MIDDLE,
TREBLE and PRESENCE. The MID-RANGE switch changes the range of
frequency of the MIDDLE potentiometer. This option is very useful in the proper
setting of the guitar’s sound in an overall band mix depending on the style of music
played and type of guitar used. Additionally, the highest frequency range of the
guitar can be altered by the BRIGHT/DARK switch.
The amplifier is designed to operate in two modes:
L where only one of the two channels is used and
in the
where both channels are mixed and used simultaneously.
The MIX-MODE option has been designed for musicians who love to experiment
with sound which is the result of blending several channels simultaneously. In this
mode, all controllers in every channel are operational and allow the player to freely
mix signals from all channels simultaneously to obtain a desired texture of sound.
The amplifier has two power selector switches: the main power selector and the
STAGE-STUDIO mode selector. There are following power options available:
60W or 25W in STAGE mode
15W or 7W in STUDIO mode
You can connect 4-8-16Ohm speakers to this amplifer. The amplifier
automatically adjusts the operating parameters to the connected column. The
amplifier can also be used without a loudspeaker. If no cable is connected to the
speaker output, then the power amplifier is automatically locked.